

jQuery Jcrop 图像裁剪- Jcrop 是一个功能强大的jQuery 图像裁剪插件,结合后端 程序(例如:PHP)可以快速的实现图片裁剪的功能。 destroy(), 移除Jcrop.

Rotate deg. Set Aspect Ratio. Get Data. Get Image   이미지를 CSS로 회전하면 내 jcrop 선택기가 역으로 움직입니다. jcrop이 회전하는 것을 인식 Btw jcrop을 구현하기 위해 angularjs 지시문을 사용하고 있습니다  Dec 26, 2017 I am using JCrop. JCrop: Rotate and crop static image restartJcrop(); } function restartJcrop() { if (jcrop_api != null) { jcrop_api.destroy(); }  Fixed the resize event not being removed when the plugin is destroyed.

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Merci pour le partage! Ce qui m'a empêché de tirer mes cheveux. Merci pour ce peu. En particulier, il semble y avoir une certaine interaction avec jQuery UI Dialog qui signifie que ce chemin est le chemin à parcourir, même maintenant, la version est jusqu'à 0.9.10. Jcrop + loadImage = loading image, create preview and init crop editor; crop and ajax save - Jcrop.js Jcrop 是一个功能强大的 jQuery 图像裁剪插件,结合后端程序(例如:PHP)可以快速的实现图片裁剪的功能。 版本: jQuery v1.5.1+ jQuery Jcrop v0.9.12 github 在线实例 实例预览 jQuery Jcrop 图像裁剪插件 Hello World 基础示例 实例预览 jQuery Jcrop 图像裁剪插件 Basi Jcrop now includes a shading mode that facilitates building better transparent Jcrop instances. The experimental shader is less robust than Jcrop's default shading method and should only be used if you require this functionality. I am using JCrop.js for image manipulation on client side.

the problem is that JCrop does not correctly determine the true size of the image, and I need to add the trueSize parameter, the only way I know is to wrap the Jcrop call in the callback, it looks pretty unpleasant.

_binding("bind")},destroy:function(){return this.options.state. solid;font-size:1px}.jcrop-tracker{height:100%;width:100%;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent  statics\js\jcrop\js\jcrop.js /^).css({opacity:d.handleOpacity}).

Destroy jcrop

Jcrop.min.css modules/backend/assets/vendor/jcrop/css/jquery. Jcrop.js +1699 -0; sweet-alert-animations.less sortable is destroyed.

Destroy jcrop

Javascript cropping engine. Jcrop. Home The reason this happens is because when JCrop is first initialized, it attaches height and width attributes to the tag that you initialize it with. However, after calling destroy(), the height and width attributes are still present, so you can't just update the source and open JCrop again.

For more info please check out the official documentation. // if need destroy jcrop or its created dom element here $ ( '#image_prev' ) . data ( 'Jcrop' ) . destroy ( ) ; // this will add the src in image_prev as uploaded // This button is visible when Jcrop has been destroyed // It performs the re-attachment and updates the UI $ ('#rehook,#enable'). hide (); initJcrop (); $ ('#unhook,.requiresjcrop'). show (); return false;}); $ ('#unhook').
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Destroy jcrop

image and reset Jcrop $('#button').click(function(){ api.destroy(); var i  14 фев 2013 Jcrop.min.css" rel= "stylesheet" type= "text/css" />. 2. Then call the main function Jcrop() on the target image you want to // convert bytes into friendly format function bytesToSize(bytes) { var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB']; if (bytes == 0) return 'n/a'; var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024))); return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(1) + ' ' + sizes[i]; }; // check for selected crop region function checkForm() { if (parseInt($('#w').val())) return true; $('.error').html('Please select a crop region and then press Upload').show(); return false; }; // update info by cropping (onChange Jcrop is the quick and easy way to add image cropping functionality to your web application. It combines the ease-of-use of a typical jQuery plugin with a powerful cross-platform DHTML cropping engine that is faithful to familiar desktop graphics applications.

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The PHP. This script will receive a POST AJAX request, with the URL of the original Dropbox image and the coordinates of the cropped area. It will then use the GD Library functions to resize it and write it to disk. Before exiting, it will echo the temporary name to the crop, which will be displayed by jQuery.

Thus far, I haven’t worked out why. Sebastian Nov 7, 2013 at 12:44 am we're using jcrop library cropping profile picture.

May 3, 2016 jCrop is a powerful image cropping tool for jQuery. before uploading then you need to destroy .jcrop-holder to remove track from older image.

Cameron Villas Halfway House. Try a different word (a synonym of  9 Juli 2019 - 70MBNOTE: Joomla 3.9.9 included a bug that could destroy data in some cases. Installatron's upgrade #6214 fixed JCrop in Template Manager Jcrop.min.css modules/backend/assets/vendor/jcrop/css/jquery.

destroy ( ) ; // this will add the src in image_prev as uploaded // This button is visible when Jcrop has been destroyed // It performs the re-attachment and updates the UI $ ('#rehook,#enable').